Back on my July 9th's post, I made reference to the damn wife. That may have been unfortunate as the damn wife has insisted that I do not refer to her as the damn wife anymore. In fact, I am to refer to her as Her Majesty or Her Royal Highness to give proper respect to her position. In referring to Her Majesty as the damn wife, I nearly forfeited my privileges at court and was forced to work very hard to obtain an audience with her where I could apologize for my improper syntax. Afterwards, I was taken to a dark room and beaten. Severely.
In all fairness, my damn wife of just over two months is indeed a true princess and did not deserve such an uncouth reference. On a sidenote and to update that post, I finally did finish Assassin's Creed and am now working on an oldy, but a goodie, GTA: Vice City!! So, I'll let you know how that works out when I finally finish it in early 2011!
Thanks, Massachusetts
15 years ago
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