09 July 2008

Hours I'll Never Get Back!

In complete honesty, one of the reasons why I've been behind on everything since the honeymoon is that Rockband is completely consuming my life. Instead of unpacking, paying bills, giving my new wife quality time, etc., I've been on road playing gigs all over the world with my band, and sadly, in many cases, by myself. If I'd devoted half the time I've been playing this bloody game to real guitar...or real drums, I might actually be able to make some money in the music world. Rather than make money, I've been spending it on many of the downloadable songs that are available and despite recognizing this as the addiction it is, I'm salivating knowing that Rockband 2 will be available this fall. Yeah, and I haven't even finished Assassin's Creed or Oblivion, have Drake's Fortune still in the plastic, and also plan on getting GTA IV asap. All things that a married man working a full-time job really needs to be concerned about. I'd be playing it now, except the damn wife is hogging the TV for something else. Grrrrr.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Said wife is now looking at her watch and tapping her little foot in wonderment at staying up so late...